Hong Kong
HK$2,000.00最低訂購About BeCandle
BeCandle is an artisanal manufacturing company based in Hong Kong, founded in 2012.
The company specializes in developing and producing high-quality fragrance products using natural materials. BeCandle also collaborates closely with top European fragrance suppliers.
BeCandle has worked with local designers and metalworkers to create unique series, including
"Sai Kung Soil" and "Metal Works". The company has also launched the "R" candle refill service to demonstrate its commitment to the environment.
BeCandle 是 2012 年成立的香港品牌,以西貢為重心,產品堅持香港製造。設計與製作不同的產品、裝置藝術品及香氣體驗,不斷挑戰香氣的無限可能性。
品牌關注工藝和香港社區,近年與本地設計師和金工師傅創作「Sai Kung Soil」西貢泥、 「Metal Works」黃銅及不銹鋼等系列,也推出香氛蠟燭 Refill 服務「R」,體現對可持續性發 展及環保的關注。"

